Institute Bible Passage:
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. What is the Millions for Christ Theological Missionary Institute (MFCTMI)
The Millions for Christ Theological Missionary Institute is an international multicultural holistic institution founded June 28, 1991 to produce Christian graduates who are grounded in the Word of God, pursue academic excellence in their various fields, transform societies globally in culturally relevant ways, and capable of leading the Church to its highest potential. |
Our Vision
The institute was founded to be a tool for equipping Christians of all professions, genders, and races to disciple, empower, and transform nations for Jesus Christ. Our Mission The mission of the institute is to accomplish the vision of the institute through: (1) Recruiting qualified Christians of all professions, genders and races into the institute (2) Educating them holistically to reach their highest potential in every level of education (Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral) (3) Using a unique scholar-practitioner model that includes professors, churches, missionaries, and students (4) Sending students out to unreached communities to disciple, empower, and transform them for Jesus Christ. DIFFERENT DEPARTMENTS Biblical Studies Department Theological Studies Department Missiological Studies Department Leadership and Management Foundational Studies General and Special Education |